Horrors of Langham Hotels’ Room “333”

Azlan Akyürek
3 min readDec 14, 2020


The Grand Langham Hotel is a prestigious Victorian-style hotel inaugurated in 1865 within the city center of London, England at a whopping 300,000 pounds, its designer was John Giles. Since its inauguration, many high-profile visitors came to stay at this hotel including Oscar Wilde, Emperor Napoleon III and, Mark Twain. The hotel suffered a huge amount of infrastructural damage during the Second World War. The Langham Hotel is a key name taken by horror raconteurs as many chilling encounters with ghosts have been reported, which have led people to believe that this place is haunted, the hotel is also famous for suicides and a murder that has taken place within its premises.

An old illustration of The Grand Langham Hotel, London

Once, a Victorian doctor visited the Grand Langham Hotel with his wife for a honeymoon. They were staying in “Room 333” which is possibly the most haunted room in London. It was known that the man murdered his wife and later killed himself. Before the 1st World War, a German Prince came to stay at the Langham Hotel he jumped from the 4th floor and died, a butler who lived in the hotel also committed suicide by jumping off the building.

In an attempt to investigate the mysteries of the Langham Hotel the BBC booked all the third-floor rooms where “Room 333” was present. A reporter of BBC said that he saw a European nobleman’s ghost in the hallway. Another reporter claimed to have seen a bright white light in his room which later transformed into an eerie ghostly image of a man wearing Victorian nightclothes. The reporter ran and later came back to the room with his colleague and saw the creepy figure fade into thin air. BBC also identified that atleast five ghosts have made Langham their home.

Langham Hotel is famously visited during Halloween and a rational amount of encounters with ghosts are expressed. Visitors have reported having seen the ghost of late Ray Moore. It is also said that most ghostly encounters are accompanied by unforeseen temperature drops and waves of air. Most of these uncanny spine-chilling happenings take place within the corridors of the third floor.

During the England vs Sri Lanka test cricket series in 2014, the English players were provided an official stay in the luxurious Langham Hotel. Stuart Broad a fast bowler of the England team was given accommodation in “Room 333” while Stuart was sleeping he woke up to the sound of water dripping from the bathroom. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to ensure whether the tap is closed but surprisingly no water was dripping, he ignored this thought as a fixation of mind. But according to Stuart, this didn’t stop he would hear the tap, wake up, check the tap again, but in the end, the tap was not open. All of this happened for a while after which Stuart saw a macabre black shadow formed near the window, startled he ran to his teammates’ room and slept there on the floor and never returned to “Room 333”. Ben Strokes another English cricketer also complained to the management about a similar encounter. Later the whole English team and managing board became petrified and moved out of Langham Hotel.



Azlan Akyürek

I am a 19 year old Bachelor who loves meditation, spirituality, movies, articles, horror stories, politics, traveling, table tennis, graphics and illustrations.